Womenz Magazine

Say no to Break ups

Identifying the problems affiliated short term relationships and how to get into a long term relationship while avoiding the break ups.

Finding a perfect match in today’s world doesn’t seems to be as difficult as it was a few years back. Now through internet and magazines, we can find masses of research work regarding this particular issue. But still majority of people out there are unable or lets just say are “unlucky” to find their perfect match. Well we can not just suggest a solution for this problem because conditions of a person may vary from another person.

Though if we generalize the whole thing, it shows that people who gets into a relationship quickly without even realizing that if their partner is a perfect match or not, often tends to break up quickly as well. This usually happens when you meet a person and you find that person attractive and fun to be around, you start believing that the person is your perfect match. That is why such relationships doesn’t lasts long and they are often called as short term relationships. What happens with short term realtionships is that eventually both the partners realize that it wasn’t love or affection rather attraction that has kept them together for some time. And with the passage of that attraction fades out and that results in the form of a break up. But for some people it is fun to be in a short term relationship as they don’t want to get bound with one partner for all their lives.

The most suitable suggestions for all the couples to avoid break ups would be that they must not fell into a relationship at once. All they have to do is to give it sometime and let themselves think over it again and again. It helps when you spend time with your partner, you get to know about his/her weaknesses and strengths, you get to know about his/her likes and dislikes. So be patient and experience a happy relationship with your loved ones.

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