Womenz Magazine

How to Romance your Sweetheart this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, 14th of February, is celebrated all around the world, as an impression to celebrate your feelings of affection and love for your girlfriend/boyfriend or husband/wife. The custom is that the two of you buy beautiful gifts for each other and make their love memorable. Here are some special Valentine’s Day ideas which can make this romantic Valentine’s Day a very splendid one for you and your loved one.

Red is the color of love and color of the day as well. Add some more excitement to this romantic Valentine’s Day by wearing red and make it even more romantic. The notion is to spread love warmth, by what you wear, what you do and what you say to your loved one. Red can make it easier for you to set the board. But it is perfectly alright, if you don’t feel comfortable wearing a red dress or red ties in case of men.You can go for a black dress with red scarf or red shoes, or make it all black; black is never a wrong choice for a romantic valentine’s day.

Gift Ideas

Gifts are a beautiful way to make a bigger space for you in their hearts. What you buy for them reflects how you see her/him and your relationship. So you have to be creative and thoughtful for making this romantic Valentine’s Day exceptionally beautiful.


You are the Juliet to your Romeo, and he expects from you to be one on this romantic Valentine ’s Day. One of the loveliest Valentine’s Day ideas is to get some beautiful flowers for your loved one. Red roses are always the best choice on a romantic Valentine ’s Day, it may be a bunch, a bouquet or even a single red rose will be good enough to express your love. Moreover, it is not a compulsion to buy only red roses, you can buy white roses as well, and tube-roses are also a good option. The best idea would be to take flowers he likes the most.

Chocolate says it all

One of the cutest Valentine’s Day ideas is to get chocolates for your love. Yes, it says it all. Your boyfriend/husband is going to love it even more if you bake chocolate cookies by yourself. This will help him realize that you are a great cook, and that would be a plus point for a romantic Valentine’s Day.

And for guys, the best news is that, “she loves chocolate”. If you love her smile, give her a chocolate, sit around and watch her smile. To play on the safer side, you can also get more than one kind of chocolates for him, to surprise him and make this romantic Valentine’s Day sweeter by telling him that you love his smile.


Celebrate this romantic Valentine’s Day with a delicious cake. This is the time to commemorate your relationship and show off your love. A petite cake cutting ceremony that includes only two of you could be one of the greatest Valentine’s Day ideas.

Romantic Book

It is the time when romance is all around. You can give a romantic poetry book to your love on this romantic Valentine’s Day, if you know he/she is fond of reading such poetry. You can also get a novel by her/his favorite authors; they’re going to love it.

Greeting Card-A must

Expressing your feelings through greeting cards always works. It is easier than saying it yourself, some of you might not be confident enough to express your feelings in your words by speaking to them so, let the greeting card do the job for you. You can give more than one cards on this romantic Valentine’s Day, each expressing your feelings in a different way, it is guaranteed that he/she is going to love it. The best thing about cards is that he/she can store up and take them out to read later on whenever he/she wants to refresh the loving memories.

Celebrate the romantic Valentine’s Day with your loved ones and surprise them with something new this time. Share your Valentine’s Day ideas with your best buddy; they can always help you give the best suggestion as they know you the best.

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