Womenz Magazine

Best Beer Margarita

Best Beer Margarita


  • 1 (12 ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate (semi-thawed)
  • 12 fluid ounces tequila
  • 6 fluid ounces 7-up
  • 6 fluid ounces cold water (or use 12 fl.oz. Seven-Up or water)
  • 12 fluid ounces beer
  • ice (lots of ice!)
  • 1 lime (cut into wedges)


  1. Pour the limeade, tequila, Seven-Up, water and beer into a large glass pitcher; stir with a long-handled spoon until completely blended and the frozen limeade has completely melted.
    Add in lots of ice.
  2. Adjust with extra water if the mixture is too sweet.
  3. Serve each glass with a lime wedge on the end.

(source: Food)

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