How is this not already the law?
You have to show an ID to buy a gun, to rent a car, to get a loan, to buy alcohol….and so much more.
In fact, I found a couple lists that really put it in perspective:

And yet, our most sacred of institutions for preserving Democracy….the right to vote….does NOT require an ID?
Am I living in the twilight zone?
How many millions of votes would President Trump have won by if voter ID were required in the 2020 election?
90 million to 30 million win for Trump over Biden?
Very likely.
So I am putting out a call to you to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
I want to get One Million Americans to put their voices together and say we demand voter ID!
Will you add your support?
Every single voice matters.
Over 80 million people rightfully voted for President Trump.
Now let’s use those same voices to add your support for Mandatory Voter ID.
So important.
I really appreciate your help with this.