Womenz Magazine

New Video Drops: Lady Freaks Out Over ‘Imaginary’ Plane Passenger

woman claiming not real person on plane
Photo: YouTube

A fresh video has emerged, capturing the complete episode of Tiffany Gomas’ notorious breakdown on an American Airlines flight. The video, shared by TikTok user @knuckelslawncare, provides a full picture of the events leading up to her virally infamous declaration: “that motherf**ker back there is not real.”

The drama took place on a 2nd July flight from Dallas to Orlando. Due to Gomas’ confrontations with the flight crew and her persistent attempts to disembark, the plane was compelled to return to the gate.

The flight attendant continues to engage with Gomas calmly. As per a police report, Gomas alleges that someone on the flight took her AirPods.

As Gomas rises from her seat, a fellow traveler can be heard querying, “What’s going on with her?”

A flight attendant halts her as she tries to make her way down the aisle. She gestures towards the rear of the aircraft, firmly stating, “Stop it.”

Even as the crew attempts to soothe her, she whirls around murmuring to herself, then asserts to them, “I need to get off this plane right now.”

“We’re going to the gate; calm down,” the flight attendant tells Gomas, who is then ordered to return to her seat but she refuses.

“I’m not sitting by that man,” she says, although it is unclear who she is talking about.

After the flight attendants ask another passenger to swap seats with Gomas, she walks back and tells someone sitting near her: “See what happens after this. See what happens. See what the f**k happens after this.

The plane’s engines power down and an announcement is made to disarm the plane, which leads to a bunch of disappointed groans from the travelers.

An attendant tries to calm Gomas down and tells her: “What we’re going to do is, you accused someone of taking your belongings, you can file a report. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

As she stands up, an attendant says: “Ma’am, ma’am, ma’am.”

She then proceeds to utter her rant, which quickly went viral on TikTok.

Gomas was escorted off the plane by staff where she was met by police. However, she refused to talk to them and the airline informed her that her ticket had been revoked.

Gomas was then escorted out of the secured part of the airport and her several attempts to go back through TSA security and re-board the plane were thwarted. She was cited with a criminal trespassing notice.

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