Womenz Magazine

Sarah Boone Finally Faces Trial for Suitcase Murder After Four Years of Delays

Sarah Boone
Sarah Boone arrives in Orange circuit court in Orlando, Florida (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

After four years of delays, Sarah Boone is finally on trial, accused of killing her boyfriend, Jorge Torres Jr., by leaving him trapped inside a suitcase. The Orlando woman, 46, is facing second-degree murder charges after the bizarre and tragic incident.

According to Boone, the couple was playing a game of “hide and seek” when Torres willingly climbed into the suitcase. Boone claims she fell asleep and forgot to let him out, only realizing what had happened after he had already died. However, investigators found videos on Boone’s phone that contradict her story. In these disturbing clips, Boone can allegedly be heard mocking Torres as he pleads for help, which raises serious doubts about her version of events.

Boone has been in jail since 2020 and has faced several legal challenges along the way. She even represented herself at one point, after a judge ruled she had forfeited her right to an attorney due to conflicts with her previous legal teams. Her current lawyer, James Owens, attempted to delay the trial, but a jury was seated, and opening statements began last week.

As the trial continues, details of Torres’ death paint a grim picture. Medical examiners presented evidence that Torres had multiple bruises on his head, hand, forearm, and back, consistent with blunt force trauma, potentially from a baseball bat. They also speculated that Boone may have pushed the suitcase down the stairs while Torres was trapped inside. It is estimated that Torres was in the suitcase for approximately 11 hours before he died of suffocation.

“Based on the findings, he was most likely in a fetal position,” a medical examiner testified, describing how Torres’ body was contorted inside the suitcase. His blood alcohol content was also revealed to be three times the legal limit, which likely impaired his judgment and motor skills.

The defense, led by Owens, argued that Boone’s actions were not premeditated. Owens emphasized that Boone and Torres had a troubled, alcohol-fueled relationship and that both were victims of alcohol abuse. He pointed to the couple’s history of domestic violence, claiming that Boone’s actions were influenced by the abuse she had suffered, including an incident where Torres allegedly struck her with a curtain rod.

“There are two sides to every story,” Owens said, suggesting that Boone’s behavior was a reaction to the toxic environment she was living in.

In a shocking moment during the opening statements, state prosecutor William Jay played a recording of Torres’ final moments. In the recording, Torres is heard saying, “Sarah, I can’t breathe,” as Boone responds with a chilling “Sshh,” seemingly dismissing his cries for help.

Neighbors also testified during the trial, recalling the couple’s frequent drunken arguments. One neighbor described hearing a loud noise on the night of February 23, 2020, which he later realized was likely Torres tumbling down the stairs inside the suitcase.

As the trial continues, more details are expected to emerge about the tumultuous relationship between Boone and Torres, and the events that led to this tragic death.

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