Womenz Magazine

Woman Trusts Caretaker With Her Dog During A Move & Pooch Is Dognapped

The chances of a lost dog being reunited with her owner is low, but it does happen now and then. According to the American Humane Association, one out of every three pets become lost at some point in their lifetime. Nashville, Tennessee native “Blue” is one of those lost dogs. It all started when his mom, Linda, moved to Nashville and boarded her dog, Blue, in California.

During that period of time, a caretaker stole Blue and left no sign of where she went or why she stole the dog. Linda returned to the Nashville area and looked everywhere for her dog, but after several months things weren’t looking good. Linda always kept it in the back of her mind that Blue had been microchipped, so if he was taken to a shelter, he might be identified. An entire year flew by.

A good Samaritan in the Nashville area found Blue and took him to the Metro Animal Care and Control facility. The first thing workers did was scan Blue for a microchip, which led them to Linda’s contact information. Workers at the shelter said Blue wasn’t a barker or very vocal, but when he saw Linda, he shrieked and “immediately ran right to her.”

“When she came to the shelter today, Linda was so nervous wondering if Blue would remember her and all the hand signal commands she had taught him,” rescuer workers said. “He remembered every hand signal. We were so happy today to get to play a part in this happy reunion. Congrats Linda and Blue.”

Never give up hope if your dog goes missing, as Blue and Linda are living proof that some bonds are simply meant to be!

H/T: FOX17

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