Womenz Magazine

Two Women Bend Down To Shivering Baby, But They’re Too Afraid To Touch Her

When rescuers from Animal Welfare Awareness found a tiny puppy after she was left in a garbage dump, their hearts broke for her. She was so cold and shivering uncontrollably. With their experience, they could tell she was also severely injured. Her neck was wounded and she had a broken leg. At her young age, they were unsure if she’d survive. But they were going to do all they could to help her.

The rescuers surrounded her and told her it would be okay. They examined her eyes, her ears, and her tiny body. Her neck wound could’ve been caused by a cruel human or a bite from another animal. They were unsure. Her eyes were also badly infected and she struggled to open them. One woman did all she could on site to help the puppy. She cleaned her eyes out hoping it would alleviate some of her pain.

The puppy continued to cry. The woman wanted to pick her up and comfort her but she was hesitant. She didn’t want to injure her further. But they knew they couldn’t leave her there. The puppy was carefully picked up by two women who then wrapped her up in a warm blanket.

Next, it was time to head to the vet clinic. The puppy’s temperature was very low. The vet put her on a warmer as her rescuers pet her and soothed her. The little pup was such a trooper! Once she was warmed up, the woman who bonded with her from the rescue group named her Bella.

Bella needed her neck wound cleaned out and stitched up. Preventing infection was a high priority. The vet evaluated her leg next. He was confident it could heal on its own without surgical intervention but he would watch it closely. He also administered topical antibiotics to her eyes. She was in excellent hands!

The brave puppy still needs to build up her strength. She struggled to eat at first but by the next day, with pain medication and antibiotics on board, she was able to eat a lot more. Her eyes are improving as well. Bella has a whole team of human friends rooting her on and making sure she’s okay. She will never be on the streets again! Since this was a recent rescue, can you send Bella all your prayers? We can’t wait to see her fully healed and in a forever home.

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