Womenz Magazine

No One Helped Her Because She’s A Pit Bull So She Roamed The Streets In Agony

When this dog needed help the most, people turned their backs on her. Want to know why? It’s because she is a Pit Bull. She wasn’t asked to be born into a breed that has a bad rap.

She didn’t ask for this label that hardly represents a tiny fraction of these dogs who are deemed aggressive. In fact, Matilda, the Pit Bull, was anything but aggressive. But many didn’t care.

Matilda roamed the streets covered in horrific wounds. People who crossed her path assumed she was a product of dogfighting. But again, that label of ‘Pit Bull’ prevented humans from helping her. She remained on the streets. Wandering about, trying to fend for herself.

But Matilda wasn’t a fighter. Her wounds weren’t battle scares. She was actually suffering from leishmaniasis– a disease that caused the damage to her skin.

Matilda was finally brought in for medical care by a rescue group that saw beyond her breed. The vet began treating her painful disease.

Despite being a Pit Bull, despite being on the streets and shunned by so many, Matilda was the warmest, sweetest, most loving dog. She didn’t harbor any ill will towards humans. If anything, she craved their touch and love more than anything.

A dog trainer that works with the rescue group decided to foster Matilda while she went through treatment. At his home, she really began to shine. She made good friends with his other rescue dogs. She spent long hours playing with her new pack and snuggling with them. She was finally accepted and that gave her a new lease on life.

The dog trainer fell in love with Matilda– and who can blame him! He officially adopted her and what happened next is simply amazing!

Matilda blossomed even more! Her social skills, her ability to read cues from other dogs and humans, her unwavering patience, made her the best candidate that her new dad now trusts with newcomers. Matilda’s social graces are so incredible that when she spends time with a dog that really needs guidance, it doesn’t take long for that dog to learn just what to do.

She teaches others how to play without biting, how to accept their surroundings and relax. Her energy is simply contagious. And this has, in turn, made other unadoptable dogs into success stories.

Matilda doesn’t care that she’s a Pit Bull. People that really know her don’t care either. They know to look beyond the stereotype because this dog is simply special, no matter what she looks like on the outside.

Let her story be a lesson to us all. To learn more about Matilda and her success, please take the time to watch the video below by Orphan Pet. She’s such a wonderful dog!

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