Womenz Magazine

“Road Kill Dog” Is Passed By For Hours, Woman Shuts Down Highway To Pick Him Up

We all know that accidents happen. Sadly, when they do, people and animals get hurt. Some accidents cannot be prevented but what we do after means everything. For this poor dog that was struck by a car, every second mattered. Yet, cars and pedestrians kept passing him by as he was obviously still alive laying there– and nobody stopped to help him! We cannot understand why anyone would ignore a dog in need.

Thankfully, SARA, the Syrian Association for Rescuing Animals, got a call about the dog and rushed to the scene. They were an hour away. It broke their hearts knowing he had to lay there that long, suffering.

The rescuers picked him up and placed him on a gurney and carried him to their vehicle. They drove straight to the animal hospital, knowing he was traumatized and in a great deal of pain.

Upon arrival, he was given medication including pain killers. They gave him a name, Sassuki. In time, the brave pup perked up. He slept a lot but when he was awake, he enjoyed the company of his caregivers.

He even got his appetite back! His favorite food is turkey! He had to learn how to drink water from a bowl too. This certainly proved that he had never been kept as a pet. It’s so heartwarming watching him lap up the water after learning it was okay to drink.

Sassuki continues to learn and accept the kindness of humans. He likely never had that before. As the days go by, he continues to get so much stronger.

The vet says he’ll be paralyzed in his back legs for the rest of his life, but the good news is that he will be fitted for a wheelchair and live a normal, happy life. Sassuki’s transformation is nothing short of a miracle! And we have SARA to thank for that! Watch his rescue in the video below and don’t forget to pass it along. No dog deserves to be left to suffer! Every life is precious and worth every effort!

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