Womenz Magazine

Bullied Boy Felt Worthless & Alone, Came Home To Box With His Name On It

Since the beginning of time, humans have sadly been cruel to one another. Mainly for no reason at all. Children are often the victims of such unfair behavior. One young boy was being harrassed incessantly at school and had spiraled into a deep depression. He no longer wanted to go to school or even do the things he loved to do.

Emily Ratajkowski is married to actor Sebastian Bear-McClard and the couple celebrated their three-year marriage anniversary on Tuesday.

She posted a few throwback pictures of the couple on an Instagram story and captioned: ‘Three years ago we headed down to City Hall with some of our closest friends. Everyone wore suits and I had this hat made & we got married!” Emily put a date stamp mark denoting February 23, 2018, on the story.

His parents did all they could to comfort their son but he often felt lonely. He was the only boy in his school that didn’t have any friends. His family couldn’t accept that. While they couldn’t “fix” everything, they knew they could give him a gift that would prove he is deserving of love.

The sweet boy came home from school after a rough day. He opened the door to his home expecting it to be like any other day but this time his parents had a surprise waiting for him. They showed him a box and asked him to take off his coat. The boy had no idea what was inside.

He reached in and instantly became overwhelmed with joy– an emotion he was sadly unaccustomed to. Sitting inside the box was the boy’s new best friend, an adorable little puppy. He began to cry happy tears. His parents place the puppy in his arms and tell him that he now has a loyal friend who will never break his heart. He will not have to worry about feeling as alone or not accepted.

Bullying is NEVER okay but it happens too frequently. While a gift of a puppy is not a cure, and should never be given lightly, as dog lovers we understand how much love and kindness a dog can bring to our lives. To see this beautiful, emotional video, check it out below. And please, if your child is a victim of bullying, contact the proper people and see what can be done to protect your kid.

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