Womenz Magazine

Baby Alpaca’s Mother Dies Giving Birth, Leaving Her Orphaned & Disabled

Ronja Pohl took one look at a crippled baby alpaca camel and immediately withdrew to the animal. Alpacas are gentle, graceful, and curious animals with a slender body, long neck, and four legs.

Unfortunately, the baby alpaca that Ronja saw on his friend’s farm was badly damaged during the birthing process, killing his mother and sister. The surviving baby alpaca did not need two back legs and could not stand independently without pulling its legs behind its back.

“He jumped around as if he wanted to show everyone that he has a strong character and wants to live even if his legs are injured,” said Pohl, 20.

At that moment he decided to do everything in his power to To give the baby alpaca a happy home and to help him lead a normal, long life like other healthy alpacas. She named Little Marie and concentrated on feeling whole.

Pohl first took Marie to a veterinarian near her farm in Freisen. Although one of Marie’s legs had to be amputated, the vet contacted Pohl with a company that made wheelchairs.

After Marie had assembled and ordered the wheelchair, it didn’t take her long to get used to the wheel frame and seat belt. He began to get up, solve problems, and figure out how to maneuver the tool to get where he wanted to go.

“As soon as he can put weight on his third leg, he will get an artificial limb and join my friend’s alpaca herd and lead a normal alpaca life,” said Pohl.

Nowadays the beloved alpaca spends time on Marie’s farm with other animals and doesn’t know how they differ in their migration. Pohl and her boyfriend enjoy watching with a happy demeanor as Marie blossoms into a self-confident alpaca.

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