Womenz Magazine

Woman begs parents to stay after spotting mysterious figure in her TikTok video

The mother of two was shocked by a mysterious figure who appeared in the background of a TikTok video she shot while her children slept upstairs.

Kayleigh Corby, 33, of Halewood, Knowsley, Merseyside believed she was home alone except for her two children when she made the clip last night (April 18).

The creepy clip shows the silhouette of a man over Aidan’s shoulder, who was recording his reaction to another TikTok video.

ECHO didn’t notice the figure until a friend of his mother’s pointed at him and made him feel so uncomfortable and asked his parents to stay home, ECHO reported.

Cassie’s headband said, “I was in my kitchen last night doing TikTok.

“I sent it to my friend and he said, ‘There’s a figure behind you, who is behind you?’ Said.

“So I looked at the file and it was there.”

Kayleigh was concerned for the safety of her and her two children, ages six and seven, and reached out to her family, who had come to see them in the middle of the night.

He said, “My parents had to come here around noon to stay with me last night.

“My father won’t leave me alone because I have children at home.”

The ordeal left the mother, who stayed at home, shaken.

Aidan added, “I felt uncomfortable, terrible. I was just scared.

“It’s like someone is watching me behind me.”

According to ECHO, Kayleigh did not report the incident to police at the time of writing.

This happens after a terrified grandmother asks for help when a strange figure she describes as a “horned demon” is caught on camera over her grandson’s bed.

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