Womenz Magazine

JUST IN: Senate Confirms Merrick Garland as Joe Biden’s Attorney General in 70-30 Vote

The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Merrick Garland as Joe Biden’s Attorney General in a 70-30 vote.

Among some of the Republicans who voted to confirm Garland include Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham.

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are two noted Republican Senators who voted against Garland’s confirmation.

Garland’s rise to the country’s top law enforcement officer is part of Barack Obama’s revenge.

Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016, but Senate Republicans refused to hold a hearing.

Merrick Garland is an anti-constitutional hack who refused to call illegally crossing the border a crime during his senate confirmation hearing last month.

“Do you believe that illegal entry at America’s borders should remain a crime?” Hawley asked.

“I haven’t thought about that question… uhhh… uhhhhhhh… I just haven’t thought about that question,” Garland reluctantly replied. “I think the uh, the uh, president has, uh, made clear that we are a country of uh with borders and uh a concern about national security. Um, I don’t know of proposal to uh decriminalize, but um, still make it unlawful to uh, enter.”

Garland continued to assert that he does not know the answer to the question and hasn’t thought about it.

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