Womenz Magazine

BIAS ALERT: Media Asks Biden Which “Sweets” He’ll Have After Lent Is Over

On Sunday, Biden got into an exchange between with a “ferocious” reporter who was able to get the scoop on what Biden’s first indulgence will be after Lent is over.Q: Mr. President, what have you given up for Lent?BIDEN: I gave up all sweets for Lent. You have no idea how hard it is for me.Q: What’s the first sweet you’re looking forward to having when it’s over?BIDEN: Ice cream.So brave. As you can see for yourself, journalism isn’t dead.

The questioning happened as Biden spoke briefly to reporters while preparing to board Air Force One back to the White House on Sunday evening.

Biden loves ice cream, as it is well documented in the press. In fact, E! News wrote an article about how Biden’s “love for ice cream” has melted their hearts.

Sometimes, however, many MAGA supporters feel slighted. We never got to find out what President Trump’s favorite ice cream flavors were, nor his favorite sweets.

We even know that Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream is one of Biden’s favorite ice cream suppliers. Well, what about Trump? What was his favorite ice cream supplier?

What is obvious here is an inherent bias. Not a subtle bias, but an in-your-face bias. The kind of bias that mocks you as it flaunts itself in your presence. We never got to hear about Trump’s favorite sweets because reporters were too busy heckling and attacking him for not playing their game.

But now that Biden is in office, they are too busy swooning over him to actually ask hard questions. So they’ll stick to gossip-like news as if he were a teen heartthrob from Nickelodeon.

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