Womenz Magazine

“Get Mom Out of the Picture”: Indiana Man Admits Poisoning Wife to Marry Her Daughter

Alfred W. Ruf
Photo by Richmond Police Department

In a shocking tale of betrayal and twisted motives, a 71-year-old Indiana man, Alfred Ruf, has admitted to poisoning his wife with a deadly concoction, hoping to eliminate her and marry her daughter. This disturbing plan came to light in July 2022, when Ruf pleaded guilty to aggravated battery. This week, he was sentenced to four years in prison and five years of probation.

Ruf’s chilling confession revealed a scheme that began in September 2021 when his wife’s 31-year-old daughter, from a previous marriage, handed him a pill bottle containing a mysterious “off-white powdery substance.” According to court records, the daughter instructed Ruf to mix the powder into his wife’s drinks, a plan that would eventually result in her death. “Get mom out of the picture,” she allegedly told Ruf, motivated by the sale of their home and a life insurance policy her mother had in place.

For months, Ruf complied, spiking his wife’s Coca-Cola with the powder. His goal was to make her sleep for “13 hours or so,” but his ultimate intention was far darker: he wanted her dead. Ruf later confessed to deputies that he had poisoned his wife’s drinks at least 12 times between September and December 2021, causing her severe symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness, and lightheadedness. Despite taking her to the hospital six times, Ruf continued his deadly actions, knowing full well the drugs would eventually kill her.

The plot took an even more twisted turn when Ruf revealed that his wife’s daughter and her friend would visit his home after his wife had passed out. The women would put on Ruf’s wife’s negligees and perform sex acts in front of him, as part of what Ruf described as a “show.” Ruf admitted to deputies that he paid the women for these performances, and the daughter assured him that they would get married once “they took care” of his wife.

Ruf’s wife eventually became suspicious and contacted the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department. She provided a deputy with the pill bottle containing the unknown substance and an aluminum Coca-Cola can with an “off-white residue” at the bottom. After testing at a hospital, it was confirmed that her blood and urine contained MDMA, cocaine, and Benzodiazepines, substances she had not knowingly ingested.

When questioned by deputies in January 2022, Ruf confessed to the entire scheme, admitting that he had initially been motivated by the sexual encounters but later felt guilty. “I felt bad,” he told deputies, acknowledging the harm he had caused his wife.

Ruf was the only person charged in connection with these crimes. His chilling admission serves as a stark reminder of how far greed and manipulation can drive someone, leading to devastating consequences for everyone involved.

Husband admits adding cocaine, MDMA to wife’s Cokes in hopes he would marry her daughter
byu/_SpaceDocker_ innottheonion

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