Womenz Magazine

Husband Suspected Of Using Eye Drops To Poison Wife And Child To Claim $250,000

Joshua Hunsucker
Photo Credit by ABC / Getty Images

In a chilling case that has captivated the nation, a husband is under investigation for allegedly poisoning his wife and 10-year-old daughter in a calculated plot to claim a $250,000 life insurance policy. Dubbed the “Poison Plot” by local media, the case intertwines themes of betrayal, greed, and murder, exposing a dark undercurrent behind what appeared to be a perfect family.

Joshua Hunsucker, who had lived in Plainfield for over a decade, was known to neighbors and friends as a devoted husband and father. He and his wife, Stacy, were high school sweethearts who had built a life together, raising their daughter, Emily, in a modest suburban home. However, authorities now allege that behind this facade, Joshua harbored sinister intentions.

The tragic events came to light earlier this year when Stacy and Emily were found unresponsive in their home. Joshua, who claimed to have discovered them after returning from work, called paramedics to the scene. Despite their efforts, Stacy could not be revived. Emily, on the other hand, was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and remained in a coma for several days before miraculously regaining consciousness.

Initially, Stacy’s death was believed to be due to natural causes, potentially linked to an underlying health issue. However, suspicions arose when doctors discovered unusually high levels of tetrahydrozoline—a chemical commonly found in over-the-counter eye drops—in both Stacy and Emily’s bloodstreams. The concentration of the chemical far exceeded normal usage, suggesting it had been ingested rather than applied topically.

As the investigation unfolded, a series of damning revelations emerged. Detectives learned that Joshua had taken out a $250,000 life insurance policy on his wife and daughter just months before Stacy’s death. The timing of the policy, combined with Joshua’s financial struggles—his construction business was failing, and he was behind on mortgage payments—raised red flags.

Moreover, it was revealed that Joshua had been carrying on an affair with a co-worker for over a year, a relationship that had caused significant strain in his marriage. Text messages recovered from Stacy’s phone showed her confronting Joshua about the affair, expressing her heartbreak: “How could you betray me and Emily like this?”

Investigators believe that Joshua may have seen Stacy’s discovery of the affair as a threat to his financial security. They theorize that by eliminating Stacy and Emily, Joshua could secure the insurance payout, solve his financial problems, and start a new life with his mistress.

Despite the mounting evidence, including surveillance footage showing Joshua purchasing eye drops days before Stacy’s death, he has maintained his innocence. “I loved Stacy and Emily more than anything,” Joshua told investigators. “I would never do anything to hurt them.”

The most damning piece of evidence, however, came from Emily herself. After waking from her coma, Emily provided a heartbreaking account of the day of the poisoning. She recalled how her father had made her and her mother tea that morning—a rare gesture. Shortly after drinking the tea, both Stacy and Emily felt unwell. “Mommy said she felt dizzy,” Emily remembered. “And then I felt sleepy. Daddy told us to lie down and rest.”

Emily’s testimony has been a crucial part of the prosecution’s case, painting a picture of a premeditated murder plot. Despite the overwhelming evidence, Joshua continues to plead not guilty, with his defense team prepared to fight the charges in court.

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