In a new study from Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, researchers found for patients with high blood pressure (BP) and chronic kidney disease (CKD), a systolic BP of under 120 mm Hg is important.
They provided 11 recommendations and 20 practice points for the management of BP in patients with CKD who are not receiving dialysis.
The authors recommend standardized office BP measurement in preference to routine office BP measurement for management of high BP; standardized office BP refers to measurements obtained according to recommended preparations and measurement techniques.
For patients with high BP and CKD not receiving dialysis, sodium intake of under 2 g/day is recommended.
Patients with high BP and CKD are advised to undertake moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 150 minutes/week or to a level compatible with their cardiovascular and physical tolerance.

Adults with high BP and CKD should be treated with a target SBP of under 120 mm Hg, when tolerated.
Renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (RASI) therapy is recommended for those with high BP, CKD, and severely increased albuminuria without diabetes and for those with high BP, CKD, and moderately to severely increased albuminuria with diabetes.
RASI therapy is suggested for those with high BP, CKD, and moderately increased albuminuria without diabetes.
The team says the workgroup recognizes that the risks for cardiovascular disease and death are greater than the risk for kidney failure in most individuals living with CKD.
If you care about blood pressure health, please read studies about how sugar and whole fruit could affect your blood pressure and findings of this common health problem may increase your risk of high blood pressure.
The study is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. One author of the study is Charles R.V. Tomson, B.M., B.Ch., D.M.