Womenz Magazine

5 Bottle Walls for Impressive Lighting Effects

Bottle Walls for Impressive Lighting Effects

Hey there my lovely people! How are you? We are always here to give you some incredible home decor ideas to enhance your space. For today, I have a very interesting post that is called “12 Bottle Walls for Impressive Lighting Effects”. Are you excited? I need to recognize that I felt in love with these walls, because they provide breathtaking sunlight effects in sunlight and when lit at night. It is more surprising when you realize that houses were built with this type of walls since 1906.wine bottle wall

And instead of cutting down trees to build a new cabin or house, why not to try to re-use glass bottles? Let’s take a look at the ideas and get inspired! Enjoy and have fun! You can use glass or plastic bottles! Both of them can provide beauty and light.wine bottle wall mount

They are simply stunning as a jeweled lime wall or set in adobe. Bottles are easy to find and many tips and tutorials can be found on YouTube, so that you won’t have any difficulties to build them.glass bottle house

A bottle wall in the bathroom is an extraordinary idea, but you can also think about incorporate such wall in the bedroom, living room or kitchen. Cut the necks off the bottles using a table-top tile cutter. Tape two of them with gaffer tape. Measure the cuts so that the brick is the width of the wall you are building. To lay the bottle bricks, use either adobe , cement or lime. If you are building an external wall, then you can mark out the pattern on a piece of insulation board.bottle wall garden

Use colorful bottles for more interesting and dramatic look, or for more simple, you can go with one or two colors only. So, what do you think about these homes built with bottle walls my dear people? I think that this is a great, very unique idea you can use to enhance your space.bottles on the wall

I love all of these ideas, especially the bathroom designs, what about you? Which idea is your favorite and would you like to incorporate in your space? I would love to know your opinion, so please share your thoughts in a comment below. If you find this post interesting share it with your friends!

Source: topdreamer

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