Womenz Magazine

10 Mother’s Day Gifts If Your Mom’s Your Best Friend

Mother's Day Gifts If Your Mom's Your Best Friend

There’s a variety of mothers out there: strict mothers, laid-back mothers, career-minded mothers, strong mothers, outgoing mothers, quiet mothers. And then there are the mothers you can share giggles with for hours on end. The mothers who enjoy Champagne, sushi, and a good time. You trade gossip about the latest shenanigans on Scandal with her, and she’s the one you call every time something goes awry in your love life.Mothe Day Gifts

1: I Love You a Latte Custom Spoon

I Love You Latte Custom Spoon

2: I Love You More Charm and Bangle BraceletCharm Bangle Bracelet

3: Sole Society Dome SatchelSole Society Dome Satchel

4: Vera Bradley Snap-On iPhone 6 Plus CaseVera Bradley Snap On iPhone 6

5: Best Mama Ever TankBest Mama Ever Tank

6: The Very Best Mom Wrap Tumbler Tea BundleWrap Tumbler Tea Bundle

7: Best Mom Wine GlassBest Mom Wine Glass

8: Crystal Sandal Clip-On CharmCrystal Sandal Clip On Charm

9: First My Mother, Forever My Friend Floating FrameFirst My Mother Forever My Friend Floating-Frame

10: Opal and Cubic Zirconia Sterling Silver RingOpal and Cubic Zirconia Sterling Silver Ring


Source: Popsugar

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