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A college student with a full-time job criticizes a professor who refuses to let her submit assignments online: “Just pick one”

A college student criticizes a professor
Photo: TikTok

A college student with a full-time job criticizes her professor for their strict rules. Maryam Al Qaisi of TikTok recorded a video on the digital network criticizing one of her college professors for failing to understand her situation and make an adequate allowance.

“Can someone please explain to me where these college professors seem to be getting the audacity from? Because I just had a meeting with my professor, and I had emailed her the day prior to that asking her for feedback about an assignment I had, and she insisted that I come in person during her office hours to receive said feedback,” Maryam says.

Maryam meets with her professor in person and uses the opportunity to discuss her personal situation. “So, I make it in today, and I’m talking to her, and I’m explaining to her why it’s difficult for me to make it in during those office hours,” she explains. “It’s a 30-minute commute, and I work full-time; it’s difficult for me to do that.

It’s also difficult for me to hand in assignments in person…because she assigns the due date after class, like, it’s not the same day even.” “You’re acting like working is a choice. Like working isn’t the means for someone to support themselves.” Maryam is taken aback by her professor’s response.

“Her response to me is, ‘If you cannot do both, you need to learn to prioritize and just pick one. If you can’t do both,’” Maryam says. “You’re acting like I’m choosing to work. You’re acting like working is a choice. Like working isn’t the means for someone to support themselves.

Like I have someone else to support me financially for me to stop going to work so I can focus my 100% attention on school. Don’t you think I want to do that?” Maryam criticizes her professor’s insensitivity and challenges their ability to have even gotten tenured, to begin with.

“Can someone explain to me why they think it’s OK to say things like that? I’ve got 30 credits left to graduate…I’ve been doing this for five years,” she says. “I’ve been busting my butt for five years just for this professor to think that it’s OK to say something like that?”

“My recommendation: go to the Dean and have the Dean advocate for you” When it comes to her professor’s reaction, people in the comments section of Maryam’s video appear to have different opinions.

“As a former college professor, I knew most students and I always gave the option to meet on Zoom/video call! I tried to help as much as I could,” @_anagildersleeve wrote. “I have to agree with your professor,” @huda__08 argued. “Sorry your circumstances are hard, but you should be asked to do whatever is required from other students as well.”

“You are acting like your Professor’s job is to work around your schedule,” @snooplucy replied. “The Professor’s time is just as important as your job.” “My recommendation: go to the Dean and have the Dean advocate for you,” @attorneydhenu suggested.

While some users believe Maryam’s professor is right in continuing her practices, others support the student who works full-time to fund her college degree in the first place. Should allowances be provided on a personal basis? Is it preferred to have a single rule that applies to everyone?

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