Womenz Magazine

Tips for job interview: 10 Points for landing your Dream Job

Job Interview Preparation

Interview for Dream Job

Landing your Dream Job is not an easy thing, because this is the era of competition. No one can get her/his dream job without proper preparation, knowledge and skills. After getting education it is not confirmed that you can get your dream job.

There are certain things to achieve to your dream job. So, go grab a pen and paper and begin to put together your strategy for upcoming interviews and opportunities success. Go into this sensation arrogant of your many comings and goings. Always remember that even if your 1st try doesn’t turn out to be the job of your dreams, that’s okay, doesn’t need to get disappointed because failure is your first step to reach your success career (dream job). The career search is an ongoing process and learning experience. You’re one step closer to landing the job you’ve always wished for!

Here Are 10 Points For Landing Your Dream Job:

1. A strong CV:

It will improve your chances of securing that all important interviews, but this is only the first step on the road to that perfect job. CV is your 1st impression on interviewer, which helps you to sit in front of top class professionals.

2. Be equipped, know the company:

Most of companies will like to hire those who know very well about their company history and update. Visit their company website and do your online research. This way you can easily how about latest updates regarding job.

3. Focus on your Dressing:

Look professional and wear something that shows your personality as well, depending on the type of job. Consider the environment.

4. Be Honest:

Honestly is the biggest success key regarding job. If you can’t do anything just simple say no, you can do things which aren’t possible. Remember, if you lie, you may assign that job which is impossible for you. This way you can risk your future and job as well.

5. Be careful when asked why you’re leaving your current job:

It does not look professional to levy negative comments at your previous boss or job. Answer this question with suitable words.

6. Build Your Social existence:

Are you well-liked in the social field? You want to continue to build your social presence. This is a good and easy way to access a variety of jobs.

7. Think Career, Not a Job:

Make it clear you’re interested in a career, and not just a job. Only job is not everything, search your opportunity for success in that job.

8. Check spelling, grammar and content:

Check spelling, grammar and content before shooting off a cover email and CV (resume). Be specific in mail and get to the point. Rather than a general query, provide a concrete request such as: I am interested in a job or like to be a part of your organization.

9. Take extra copies of your CV:

Always take extra copies of your CV and bring a professional portfolio. A simple black binder with clear page sleeves is impressive. You can reference this as you answer questions to showcase highlights of your experience.

10. Be Pleasant:

Be pleasant to everyone you see, entering in an organization or office. If you win heart of other you can easily get job. Switch off your cell and don’t wear party dress. wear a descent dress and pair of pant.

By following these 10 Points for landing your Dream Job, you can get your job easily and also this will help you to enhance your skills & personality in return.

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