Womenz Magazine

Beauty and health should go in hand

Beauty and health should go in hand

Looking figured is utmost desire of every woman for which they compromise health certainly. Though beauty is major concern but health comes first when you have to build a healthy nation. Dieting, starving and sweating to whole lot at the cost of your health generate numerous health hazards besides beautifying woman. That’s the reason women health care is priority than beauty that if once concerned can lead the way to beauty and health in hand.

Here is a perfect tutorial for your beauty and health that if followed would not only impart health but beauty as well. Walk on these simple and practical health and beauty tips step by step to get perfect results.

  • Alleviate dark circles

Dark circles are outcome of excessive workout. A woman working hours to get miraculous weight loss causes black skin around her eyes. So, the tip here is to lose weight gradually with giving rest to your eyes.

Eye muscles workout is also there that relieves eyes fatigue. Blending carrot juice in breakfast supplies shine and strength to eyes curing dark circles.

  • Strong hair with health scalp

Beauty is more than skin deep. The more time you spend to shape your neck more you ignore health of your scalp that causes hair loss.

Massaging scalp once a week with proper head exercises strengthens hair roots and brings life to them.

  • Skin dryness with over sweating

Aerobics, dancing and tracking because excessive sweating that reduces weight in time but the fact it carries is skin dryness. Sweating takes fluid out of body resulting dehydration that dries skin with lose of skin shine.

Intake sufficient fluid before workout with essential minerals like potassium and calcium that if little lost during workout and fitness may not risk skin hazards.

A woman health care is based on healthy diet, health inside brings beauty outside empowering women with beauty and health together. So, struggle for being healthy than beautifying your self with proper health care.

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