Womenz Magazine

10 Foods That Make You Beautiful

It is healthy to have a balanced diet especially one that consists of foods that make you beautiful. These foods improve your health and appearance and lead to a long healthy and beautiful life.

1) Blueberries:

Blueberries are rich in Vitamin A, E and C. They have very high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. They increase the flow of oxygen in the blood preventing cardiovascular diseases. The anti-oxidant properties in blueberries are anti-aging and they prevent wrinkles and pre mature aging. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are key foods that make you beautiful. The metabolic properties in blueberries make you stay slim and help in reducing weight and keeping your cholesterol and triglycerides maintained.

2) Wild Salmon:

Fish is a high source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 has anti-aging properties which keeps the skin naturally moisturized, prevents redness on face and skin, reduces inflammation, heals wounds and makes the skin firm which prevents wrinkles and pre mature aging.

3) Kidney beans:

A very high source of iron full of antioxidants, kidney beans contain biotin which makes your hair grow long and strong. Kidney beans reduce hair fall and is a natural hair, skin and nail formula. Kidney bean salad should be introduced in the daily diet to make you look beautiful.

4) Yogurt:

A bowl of yogurt everyday, especially low fat yogurt, is more beneficial compared to a glass of milk. This dairy product is high in calcium and is very good for strong bones, nails and teeth. Healthy nails, especially in women, are considered a sign of beauty and yogurt is one of those foods that make you beautiful. Strong bones keep your posture healthy and make your figure look tall and lean.

5) Oysters:

Oysters help build collagen under the skin. Oysters help promote cell regeneration, increasing the life of the cells. This action reduces aging as cells remain young and healthy.

6) Broccoli:

This vegetable is loaded with Vitamin C which reduces bacteria from the blood stream. Vitamin C is very beneficial for healthy skin. People suffering from Acne and inflammation should increase the intake of broccoli and Vitamin C to promote blood circulation and have the best skin ever.

7) Walnuts:

The antioxidants in walnuts reduce the chances of eczema. Walnuts improve skin condition and are high in Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. Both are highly beneficial for the skin, promote cell regeneration and prevent skin problems.

8) Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are a high source of Vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents acne and occurrence of pimples on the body. Sweet Potatoes are rich in beta carotene which is converted in Vitamin A as per body requirements. Apart from providing skin benefits, it improves the health of eyes.

9) Green Tea:

Green tea helps in digestion and is a high source of anti-oxidants.

10) Dark chocolate:

Not only does this taste good, but chocolate and coco products are foods that make you beautiful. They increase the flow of blood and stimulate cells and muscles keeping you active and your skin naturally fresh and healthy.

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