Womenz Magazine

Symptoms and Stages of Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Lyme DiseaseLyme disease is almost 100 years old disease. This is a common disease which is found in United States and Europe. Most of the cases emerged in New York and Connecticut. Lyme disease is caused by the deer tick. Lyme disease is also sometimes referred as Lyme infection.

When deer tick bites a special kind of bacteria is passed to human who causes Lyme disease. This special kind of bacteria is called Borreliaburgdorferi. B. burgdori have a very complex life cycle. Half of their life cycle is completed in tick and other half is in mammal, which is bitten by the tick. Usually victims of tick are deer and mice. However it is less in human but whenever tick with B. burgdori bite human then human also get Lyme disease.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

Symptoms start gradually after tick bites. Symptom starts from the place of the body where tick bites a person. That is the part of the body from where bacteria enter into the body. Reddish rash starts appearing at that part of the body. After that it starts effecting joints, heart and nervous system of its victim. Specifically symptoms are stated below:


There are number of problems which can be caused by Lyme disease in human brain. Some of the common problems are poor memory, poor sleep, mood swings, dizziness, and brain fog etc. many psychiatric disorders are also found as a result of Lyme disease.

Muscles and Joints

Muscles problems can be stiffness, cramps and pain in muscles and joints.


Lyme disease messes with the rate of heart beat. Victims sometimes feel high heart rate and pain in chest.


Lyme disease victim feels problem in breathing and it can also cause pneumonias.


Redness, rashes and redness in circles can be seen, whose outer layer are darker and inside its sometimes light colored or colorless.

Stages of Lyme diseases

From medical point of view Lyme disease has three stages

Early localized disease

This is the first stage of Lyme disease. Effect of Lyme disease appears on the skin of its victims with skin inflammation.

Early disseminated disease

This is the second stage of Lyme disease in which this bacterium attacks the nervous system and heart of its victims which includes palsies man meningitis.

Late disease

The last stage or the late stage of Lyme disease is that it starts damaging motor and sensor nerves and it can also cause arthritis which is related to joints.

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