Womenz Magazine

The 5 Biggest Fashion Trend Fails

Fashion Fails

We can’t be perfect all the time when it comes to the way that we dress. Sometimes we take a leap of faith and give a new trend a try and find out that it doesn’t work for us or that it was something better off left for runway models to explore. With new trends popping up each season and sweeping over the nation, it can be difficult to gauge which ones will be big hits and while ones will go down in history as fashion trend fails.Since people started dressing for fashion and not function, there have been countless fashion trend fails that we have seen. Fashion Trend fails can stem from many different places.Fashion TrendThey can be a trend that everyone thought was “cool” for a hot minute, and then looked back at themselves saying, “what was I thinking?” Or it can also be someone who is in the spotlight like a major celebrity who took the wrong advice from their personal stylist and will forever go down in history with “wtf” branded in their memory.No matter how you look at it, these moments are iconic in a sense. We forget about them, and then they resurface. Whenever you have a fashion trend fail, whether as a designer or customer, it doesn’t go unnoticed. So think carefully the next time you’re getting dressed for a big night out on the town or deciding whether to indulge in the latest fashion trend, and remember that if it’s not well received, you will be remembered.


Comfortable CrocsUnless you are a child or work in the medical profession, these shoes should not ever be worn in public. They are questionable in design and color, and while comfortable, they are ugly and unattractive to look at. No matter how you look at it, there should NOT be a pair of these in your closet This company was created in 2002 and surprisingly has three hundred, four season shoe options. What makes them different? Though they aren’t pretty to look at, Crocs are made of a proprietary material that keeps the shoes soft, lightweight, odor resistant, and comfortable. Not many shoe companies can beat that, but what one lacks in comfort makes up for in appearance.

Baggy Pants

Baggy Pants FashionTo be completely honest, we’re not really sure why this ever became a trend to begin with or why people are still walking around with their pants almost around their ankles. Another question that comes to mind, how can that even be comfortable? We suppose that every boy goes through a period in their lives when dressing with pants so baggy that they almost expose themselves, but eventually most guys grow up. Seeing grown men walking around in baggy pants in the year 2014 has fashion fail written all over it and the guilty should be escorted to fashion prison.

Leggings as Pants

Leggings PantsAlright, all of us ladies have been there, let’s just get that out of the way first. It happens. Leggings are the current day version of the infamous “stretch pants” that we all grew up with which were all a little bit thicker than the leggings of today. This is the key point we must all keep in mind moving forward In most cases, the most seemingly opaque leggings still let light shine through whenever it is stretched over our rear end and the sunlight comes into play, it’s just a fact. So unless you are wearing your leggings with a dress, tunic or longer shirt over top, opt for something NOT SHEER when getting dressed in the morning. Please and thank you.

Velour Tracksuits

Velour TracksuitsYes, we all love Juicy Couture for its overpriced clothing that is targeted at teens to make their parents go broke, but we have to admit that we all obsessed over that velour tracksuit when it came out. Then, we look at how we were dressed in it and cringe. However, this fashion trend fail isn’t just for the women, oh no, it’s for the men, too! When menswear companies saw the success of Juicy Couture, designers started creating them for men, too. Surprisingly, men hopped on board the velour tracksuit bandwagon and rocked them until they could rock no more.

Wallet Chains

Wallet Pant ChainsThat pretty much sums up this trend in one sound. Was there a period in time where it was impossible for a man to keep track of his wallet unless he has it attached to an over-sized chain that was also attached to his pants? There is nothing fashionable about the way this looks or how the trend is executed Thankfully, men have acquired the skill of being able to keep track of their wallets all on their own, so we were able to kiss this fail goodbye.

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