Womenz Magazine

Nail art: Creativity at its Best

Nail ArtFashion is all about exploring avenues. It’s about expressing your inner most desires; whether they be of rebellion, of innocence or of maturity. What you adorn and how you embellish it is what you are. Just like clothes and shoes, nail art is another way of articulating yourself to the world at large. If decorated beautifully, they give the extra zing and radiance to your personality.

With the use of shades and prints on this tiny little feature of your body, nails can be an effective way of grabbing people’s attention and making a statement. When it comes to nail art ideas, there is a lot to choose from; it basically depends no you what statement you are looking to make. Hearts, flowers, patterns, fruits, money, cartoon figures; you name it.

Nail art demands a lot of intricacy and convolution at your part along with colossal creativity. Good nail art ideas are those which are completely out of the box and succeed in grabbing the onlooker’s attention. But as much as it is about grabbing people’s attention, it is also about you being comfortable with what you are supporting. So whether it’s a hello kitty figure, Dr. Pepper, a simple polka dotted manicure, or a dark cherry nail art design; it is all about you being comfortable enough in your skin to support such an idea.

There’s always room for extreme creativity in nail art. Letting your imagination loose and creating whatever you please is what nail art ideas are all about. Some of the most outrageous nail art ideas of the world include gothic and witch designs, a different eatery on every nail, nail art in the form of dollar bills, Christmas nail art, candy nail art, musical nail art, Super Mario nail art and so on and so forth.

The key to funkiest nail art ideas are using bright nail colors as base colors and drawing whatever you desire on it by using any other color you want. The key is experimenting and practicing to the max. So let your imagination wild and paint your nails away, cause who doesn’t like a bit of attention every now and then?

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