Womenz Magazine

Ronda Rousey Wants Sleepover with Jennifer Lawrence

Ronda Rousey and Jennifer

Martial artist-actress Ronda Rousey says she is “looking for an excuse to hang with Jennifer Lawrence”. The star is a self-confessed fan of the Oscar-winning star and has revealed she’s eager to spend time with Jennifer and her close friend Amy Schumer, reported TMZ. Ronda, 28, has already met the American comedian and has admitted she is keen to develop her friendship with Amy and Jennifer in the coming months.

Read More: Jennifer Lawrence Slams Hollywood

Ronda Rousey Wants Sleepover with Jennifer Lawrence

“I know Amy Schumer but we’re not having sleepovers or anything but I’m working on it. A girl can dream.” Jennifer and Amy have become close friends in recent times, taking vacations together and even co-writing a movie.

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