Womenz Magazine

Police Raid Robert Durst Houston Home

Police Raid Robert Durst

Cops are tearing through Robert Durst’s Houston home right now … possibly seeking evidence in the Susan Berman murder case.[contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]Police Raid Robert Durst Houston

Several marked and unmarked Houston PD cars pulled up outside Durst’s high-rise complex Tuesday afternoon. The subject of HBO’s “The Jinx” docuseries is still sitting in a New Orleans jail following his weekend arrest, and awaiting extradition to L.A to face a murder one charge.[contentblock id=2 img=adsense.png]Police Arrested Robert Durst

It’s unclear if the search warrant relates to the murder case … or if cops in NOLA are trying to build a separate case. Cops there say Durst had a gun and drugs when he was arrested — and there’s a possibility he could face charges.

Police Raid Robert Durst Houston Home by womenzmag

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