Womenz Magazine

Ariana Grande Nearly Crushed to Death in Stage Accident

ariana grande music

The ‘Dangerous Woman’ Ariana Grande was waiting to be propelled on stage when the contraption snapped and nearly crushed her during her Honeymoon tour last year. She explained: ”Opening night of my Honeymoon tour I almost died. For real, I’m not exaggerating. I usually exaggerate, but I’m not. ”You know how they have those toaster things where people come up from the stage and you pop up? Something happened with mine and I was singing the beginning of ‘Love Me Harder’ and I was going up on the thing, and long story short, the thing I was standing on had this wooden plank and it snapped!”Ariana Grande Nearly Crushed to Death

The 22-year-old singer bravely channeled her inner ”Superman” and managed to get out of the sticky situation. Speaking on Alan Carr: Chatty Man, she added: ”The thing was still going up so I was being pushed against the stage, and it was some Indiana Jones s**t, and it was really scary. ”I had to Superman myself out of the thing, and my guitar guy helped me get out, and then I went on stage a different way. It was really scary.”

Source: tv3.ie

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