Sam Asghari, former husband of Britney Spears, welcomed the New Year with his new girlfriend, Brooke Irvine, just eight months after finalizing his divorce from the pop icon. The 29-year-old actor and model shared a carousel post on Instagram, featuring intimate photos of himself and Brooke, embracing each other in a mirror selfie. He captioned the post with a simple message: “Happy New Year to All.”
In addition to the Instagram post, Sam also shared a joyful moment on his Instagram story, smiling while hugging his girlfriend with the caption, “Happy New Year to Everyone.”
The New Year marks a fresh chapter for Sam, who has openly discussed his life following his separation from Britney. In an interview with People Magazine, Asghari shared that he has been able to “absolutely” move on from his past relationship. Reflecting on his post-divorce life, Sam said, “There’s a lot of work stuff that I’m doing that I want to let the work do the talk, and with acting, it’s what comes next and all the work that you’re putting in.” He also revealed he would be joining the cast of The Traitors season 3.
Despite the end of his marriage to Britney, Asghari expressed no ill feelings toward his ex-wife. “It was a blessing to be able to share life with someone for a long time. And people grow apart, and people move on,” he said. His words suggest that he has accepted the past and is moving forward with positivity.
Sam and Brooke, a model, were first spotted together in Los Angeles, fueling rumors of their new relationship. Their romance comes shortly after Sam and Britney finalized their divorce on December 2, 2024, just one year after they married in July 2023.
As Sam continues to embrace his new relationship and focus on his career, it’s clear that he is stepping into a new chapter of his life, leaving the past behind and looking forward to what comes next.