Womenz Magazine

Melania Trump snub: Donald Trump exposed secrets behind ‘women’s attraction to him’

Since President Joe Biden was inaugurated many have speculated about what the future has in store for the Trumps. Some have suggested he could leave the country, while others believe he could be preparing for a second presidential run in 2024.

Amid the rumours about Mr Trump’s future, his relationship with Melania has come under the spotlight.

Mr Trump and Melania Knauss, then a 28-year-old Slovenian model, met at a glitzy New York party more than 20 years ago.

The couple tied the knot seven years later in a lavish $2.5million (£1.8million) wedding in Palm Beach, Florida.

Last Friday marked their 16th anniversary, but an unnamed source told The Times that there would be no “lovey-dovey-type stuff” because they “don’t believe in” it.

R Couri Hay, a publicist who also knew the couple, commented that “the one thing still standing is that marriage” despite their difficulties over the years.

In an early interview, Mr Trump described Melania as “a great wife” and said that they had “a great relationship”.

His comments featured in a 2008 GQ article with Piers Morgan – who had recently won The Celebrity Apprentice, which starred Mr Trump.

When asked if he was a “woman-holic” by the Good Morning Britain star, Mr Trump rejected the claim but admitted he did “love women”.

He said: “I respect them, I think they’re magnificent and I don’t just mean their physical beauty.”

During the interview, Mr Trump dodged a question about whether he thought he was a “good husband” by claiming that he was “a great father”.

But after being pushed by Mr Morgan, he said: “I think I’m a good husband now, it’s not easy for someone competing with my business.”

Mr Trump also described why he thought women were attracted to him.

He claimed to know “a lot of rich people” – who he described as “rich, smart, cunning guys” – who couldn’t get “a woman to go out with them”. 

Mr Trump recalled setting-up one of his wealthy friends with a former Miss Universe competitor but the date didn’t go to plan.

He said: “This guy has got his beautiful houses, his cars – he has got everything money can buy.”

Mr Trump called the “top model” and after some convincing, she agreed to go on one date with his friend as “a big favour”.

Later, the model called him afterwards and told him: “Never make me do that again – just don’t waste my time with guys like this.”

Mr Trump admitted that he was shocked because the guy “eats financial geniuses for a living” and “beats up guys with his head”.

He claimed the individual had more money than he could spend but suffered “lockjaw” in front of beautiful women. 

The unnamed male pleaded with Mr Trump to set-up a second date but he refused.

He said: “I know a lot of very rich guys who can’t go out with a girl twice because they’re so boring.”

Me Trump believed his own “success with women” was attributable to “understanding how life works”.

He said: “I’ve seen people go up and down and get sick and so on. I know the game, I have a good sense of the street.”

In a controversial twist, Mr Morgan then asked for Mr Trump’s “secret to being good in bed”.

Mr Trump claimed there were “a lot of secrets” but most importantly was “the look”.

He claimed his friend Don King, the boxing promoter, was “a believer in ‘the look’” too.

Mr Trump felt that a person didn’t “have to look like Cary Grant” – a Hollywood leading man – but needed to “have a certain way” about them and “a stature”.

He continued: “I see successful guys who just don’t have ‘the look’ and they are never going to go out with great women. 

“‘The look’ is important, I don’t really like to talk about it because it sounds very conceited – but it matters!”

Since the Trumps left the White House, they have returned to their Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

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