Womenz Magazine

Oiling: Secret to Lustrous Hair

An essential and most economical element in hair care is oiling your hair properly with the right kind of oil. Here is the guide to oiling your hair in right way and with the right oil.

Oiling is the best hair care advice anyone can give you. When you give your hair an oil massage you are actually feeding your hair. Not only this but oiling hair also is a great stress buster, along with revitalizing your hair it soothes your mind and body. Oiling hair is also the most economical and easiest hair care method so far. But there is a secret oiling hair needs to be done in a proper method.

Firstly you need to have clean hair before you apply hair oil on them otherwise you are just worsening your hair condition. Detangle your hair by a comb before you apply hair oil (make sure you use a clean comb). Make partitions in your head, dip your fingers in oil, and massage oil onto the scalp.

Applying oil only on the hair is not enough it has to go down to the roots. Avoid oiling hair harshly as it can damage your hair and cause breakage which will in return cause split-ends. After you are done with your head massage your can wrap your hair with a moist towel for 15 minutes it will enhance the conditioning process. The time duration for leaving oil on hair varies, some experts suggest it to be left on the hair for the whole night, some say 2 to 3 hours are enough for hair to get nutrition from the hair oil others also say 30mins are enough. I personally recommend leaving on oil for 3 to 4 hours maximum as I believe skin needs to breath at night and when you cover the surface with oil for a whole night your scalp will not be able to breath and you might damage your hair (my own belief).

Oiling your hair can do you wonders; it gives healthy, strong and shiny hair without much effort. Below are some of the hair oils available in the market described with the benefits of each:

  • Olive Oil: It repairs your hair. Olive oil also nourishes, conditions, and improves the strength and elasticity of your hair. It is recommended to wash after 30mins of applying oil.
  • Almond Oil: It nourishes hair and makes hair cuticles smooth. Almond oil also makes hair long, strong and thick. Almond oil also controls hair fall and give hair that shine you desire.
  • Coconut Oil: It is a good treatment for dandruff. Coconut oil is also good for damaged hair by sun, hair styling, dying, shampoos etc. The best way to apply coconut oil is after a hair wash when the hair is still damp.
  • Mustard Oil: It makes hair silky, healthy and beautiful. Mustard oil should be left in hair for 6-8 hours after application.
  • Amla Oil: It is useful for hair loss and premature graying of hair. Amla oil is one of the best natural hair conditioners. Amla oil gives your hair a protective layer and makes your hair shine.

These are just some of the hair oils your can find several other in the market. Some companies also make oils by mixing more herbs in them. Nourishing your hair with natural products is the best hair care method. So try any of the above mentioned oils and get gorgeous hair this season.

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