Womenz Magazine

Bridal Make-up Tips

Bridal Make-up Tips

To look fabulous on the weeding day is the dream of every girl. No doubt, every girl tries her best to look utmost beautiful, she was never before. But by doing so many forgets the utmost important thing, which is the make-up.
Girls usually concentrate on buying their dress and jewelry etc, but only few thinks about they make-over they will carry, on the most important day of their life. Mostly think that it’s the job their beauticians to give them their desired gaze.
No beautician in the whole world has a magical stick to give you the required look in just few hours; you have to work hard for it before some days or even months of your marriage. There are hundreds of tips, like, in order to maintain healthy & glowing skin and complexion, eat fresh fruits, vegetables and drink plenty of water etc. Avoid taking depression as much as you can. Then make the schedule of having facials 2-3 months before the wedding day, one facial per month and the last one should be two to three days before the special day. But now we are going to tell you some basic tips regarding make-up.
First step is to buy those beauty products of the standard brands, which always suits your skin & complexion. After maintaining ideal skin and complexion, focus on the setting of your eye-brows. Give the proper look to your eye-brows, a day before the wedding day. Then while starting the bridal make-up, make sure that you have moisturize your skin accurately. Then comes the foundations and bases, other than considering the skin tone & color, always keep in mind the lighting and camera’s effect. These are some of the basic things, girls usually forget while having bridal make-over.
The bridal eye make-up should be in two to three shades, according to the dress color scheming. Always use soft black eye liner and mascara, for the prominent and catchy eye make-up. If you want your eyes to give more prominent looks, then preferably use artificial eye-lashes. Apply the blush-on according to your over-all gaze.
Before applying lipsticks, use some moisturizer or lip balm and then a bit of foundation on your lips, so that your lipstick will remain fresh for long period of time. Apply the lip stick with the liner, and blot or press it with tissue paper and then apply it again to have long lasting shine.
It’s not necessary that those cosmetics, you usually use to have good looks will give you the same result on the wedding day as well. Do not forget that Bridal make-up requires more idealistic approach, in every way.

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