Womenz Magazine

How to Take Care of Your Hair Naturally

Are you one of those girls who envy the long, bouncy, shiny and healthy hair of the models who are in hair care products advertisements? If yes, then we have some great tips to share with you which will help you gain beautiful hair without any chemical treatment, just by using natural products.

1. Shampoo

Shampoo your hair regularly because a clean scalp is necessary for healthy hair. But shampooing them too often may be harmful for them; hair experts suggest that washing them after every 2 to 3 days is good for hair. But another very important thing is the type of shampoo that you use for your hair. Shampoos sold in beautiful and fancy bottles are often full of chemicals and it should be kept in mind that chemicals can never be good for your hair no matter what the ad says. Try to get a shampoo that is composed of natural and herbal products because natural is always the best.

2. Egg

If you want silky, shiny and extremely soft hair then take one egg and beat it. Apply it to your hair and leave for at least half an hour and then wash your hair thoroughly. You will see amazing results.

3. Aloe Vera

Take one or two leaves of aloe vera plant and extract the gel out of them. Now apply this gel to your scalp and leave for an hour and then wash thoroughly. Follow this routine to get healthy and thicker hair.

4. Orange

Oranges can be used to make your hair dandruff free and thick. Take orange peel and crush it to a fine powder. Rub this to your scalp and leave it for some to time to work its magic. Another tip for getting amazing hair is to mix orange juice and apple puree in equal amounts and applying it on scalp.

5. Butter

If your hair is dry and rough you just have to butter them up! Take a chunk of butter and rub it over your scalp and hair and after some time wash the hair thoroughly. You will get amazingly soft hair.

6. Mayonaise

To treat dry and dull hair, moisturize them with a handful of mayonnaise. Just rub it over your scalp and hair and shampoo after some time and as a result you will get shiny and soft hair.

7. Tea

To give your hair a lustrous sheen just rinse them with one cup of tea (unsweetened) at the end of taking shower.

8. Vinegar

Vinegar has been proven to be very beneficial for the health of hair. To make an amazing conditioner, mix together apple cider vinegar, olive oil and egg and apply it to your hair. Leave it for some time and then wash it away. You will absolutely love the results.

9. Onion Juice

Onion is said to be high in sulfur content which makes it a good anti-dandruff agent. It also kills germs and parasites. To make a hair pack, grind one onion and then strain it to get the onion juice. Apply it on your scalp and leave for almost ten minutes. Wash hair with lukewarm water.

10. Oiling

Oiling is very necessary for our hair and scalp. Oil is the food of our hair and without this food hair may start breaking and lose their shine. Some of the best hair oils that have been proven to work wonders for the hair are as following:

Castor Oil

Castor oil is known for promoting hair growth. It also prevents thinning, moisturizes scalp and helps reduce split ends.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil prevents dandruff, promotes hair growth and strengthens and thickens hair.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is great for moisturizing, conditioning, eliminating dandruff, and also has powerful antioxidants helpful in fighting hair loss These and many natural products out there are waiting for you to have benefit from them. You just need to look around yourself and you will wind that nature has given you so many amazing products which work a thousand times better than the expensive synthetic products available in the market.

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