Womenz Magazine

How to Get Silky Hair Naturally

Everyone wants perfect hair as hair can change your overall personality. How to get silky hair is a big question and every woman wants to know the answer.

It is the dream of every woman to have silky hair but unfortunately everyone doesn’t have them. Now days many woman’s wants to get silky hair. Many woman’s have frizzy sort of hair and they want to get rid of them and wants to know how to get silky hair naturally, here we are giving some tips so try to follow them to get the desire result.

• Diet

Good diet is the first and important way of how to get silky hair. Whatever diet you will take either good or bad will affect your hair growth so try to take that diet which is healthy and full of nutrients. It is not a difficult way of how to get silky hair naturally.

Try to take that green vegetable as vegetables play an important role in the growth of hair. Drink a lot of milk, as it is full of calcium. Other than take fish, nuts, chicken, egg and try to eat a balanced diet. How to get silky hair naturally by diet is not something difficult all you need to do is stop eating junk food and eat healthy food.  This diet will improve the texture of your hair and other hair problem will sort out such as dandruff and hair loss.
A very effective way of how to get silky hair is to drink attest 9 to 10 glasses of water in a day.

• Oiling

After diet the another effective way of how to get silky hair is the oil massage. Oiling is the only way to get silky hair. Oil massage is the only tip given to us by our older generations. Our grandmother used to say that if you want to know how to get silky hair naturally than do oil massage once a week.

Oil massage is also a good way of relaxation for woman’s.  How to get silky hair naturally by oil massage is that massaging generates the blood flow in the body and our total body becomes very active. How to get silky hair by oiling is that when you do massage on the head area than from this area natural oil from the scalp is generated and this natural oil makes the hair texture better. This process slowly slowly makes the hair texture smoother and shiny too.

The right way of how to get silky hair by oil massage is that before doing massage heat the oil and then do the massage on the scalp not on the hair. Try to massage from the fingers, this way you will feel very relaxed.  This way you can also get of dandruff.

• Hair combing

How to get silky hair naturally by comb is an art. Try to do comb when the hair is wet, this will make your hair silky. Make sure that you do this whenever you take a bath.

• Avoid Hot Water Bath

The effective way of how to get silky hair  is that avoid washing hair with hot water. Hot water takes all the moisture from the skin.  Wash your hair with cold water as it gives moisture to the hair.

• Hair Conditioning

How to get silky hair is also done by doing proper conditioning. Use natural conditioners such as vinegar and lemon juice.

• Trimming

The effective way of how to get silky hair is to trim. If you want smooth silky hair then make sure you get trimming after every two months. Trimming also helps to remove dead ends and damaged hair.

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