Womenz Magazine

Hair care for Dandruff

Dandruff can literally eat up your hair and stop them from growing and shining. Dandruff is really harmful for hair and there are a lot of easy and homemade remedies for hair care in regard to dandruff. Dandruff should be killed before it gets too bad.

We usually don’t pay much attention to hair care or at least not as much of attention as we give to styling our hair. We need to understand that in order to get a better hair style we also need to take care of our hair. Most of the time we don’t have enough time for hair care but we need to take some time out especially on the weekends and give a treatment to your hair. A lot of styling these days also damage your hair and can also cause dandruff. Dandruff is really irritating and it shows on your hair and on your clothes and your hair feel itchy, that’s not a very comfortable feeling and most importantly it also damages your hair to a great extent.

There are many easy remedies for hair care and protecting hair from dandruff. Even if you have a normal amount of dandruff you need to control is before it gets too much to handle. An easy way is to take vinegar and massage in your hair for a few minutes before you shampoo your hair and the dandruff will vanish within a few days.

Dandruff is also one of the causes for hair fall and people with harsh dandruff should use medicated shampoos for dandruff because these have disinfectants in them and it helps removing the dandruff because dandruff is the dead skin that peels off on your scalp. Another interesting fact is that your hair also depends on what you eat. If you want shining and strong hair then you need to have a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Another remedy for dandruff control is to massage your scalp with almond oil and steam your hair in it. This is done by taking a towel dipped in boiling water and wrapping it around your hair like a turban. Do not let the corners of your towel drip.

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