John Schneider, the beloved actor from The Dukes of Hazzard, and television personality Dee Dee Sorvino, have tied the knot. The couple exchanged vows in...
Deep within the lush forests of Borneo, a groundbreaking sighting has brought renewed hope to conservationists working to protect the vulnerable clouded leopard. In April,...
This season, pop culture has been dominated by themes of slime green, clubbing, and self-awareness. Now, the concept of “Brat Summer” has found its way...
The former sheriff’s deputy charged with the murder of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman killed inside her Illinois home, had worked for six different...
Yet another torrid tale has emerged of Florida homeowners being hit with eye-watering special assessment fees as building managers race to comply with a new...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have faced challenges maintaining a consistent staff, and now a longtime staffer of Harry’s biggest project has announced his departure....
Prince William has opted to disclose less information about his finances as the Prince of Wales compared to his father, Prince Charles. The end-of-year accounts...
Kim Kardashian recently shared a funny and relatable sister moment on her Instagram Stories. On Sunday, July 21, Kim, 43, posted a video showing her...