Womenz Magazine

Heartbreaking Video: Boy, 4, Desperately Begs Father for Bread Before Tragic Death by Starvation

Photo Credit: KSAT

In a devastating murder trial unfolding in Texas, video footage presented to a jury shows the heart-wrenching moment when a four-year-old boy, Benjamin Cervera, pleaded with his father for food just days before he tragically died of starvation.

The boy’s desperate cries for sustenance were captured in a series of videos shown in court this week, with Benjamin heard begging, “Dad, dad, I want some bread.” The child, who passed away on August 17, 2021, had been denied basic nutrition for an extended period. His father, 31-year-old Brandon Cervera, now faces charges of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury. If convicted, he could spend the rest of his life in prison.

Over 30 videos were played for the jury as prosecutors built their case against Cervera. One particularly haunting video from June 2021 shows Benjamin searching the kitchen and opening the refrigerator in the middle of the night. While he initially grabs a random assortment of snacks, later footage reveals that locks had been installed on both the fridge and cabinets, further restricting his access to food, KSAT reports.

The prosecution also presented text messages exchanged between Cervera and his ex-wife, highlighting a disturbing moment when Cervera told her that Benjamin had been given bread and didn’t need to eat dinner. San Antonio Police Department Detective Lawrence Saiz testified about these messages in court, further supporting the argument that the child was deliberately deprived of food.

Officer Omar Perez, who conducted a welfare check at the Cervera home, testified that Benjamin showed clear signs of malnutrition. “He had visible injuries,” Perez told the court, describing the boy’s bruised eyes and torso and noting that he was so emaciated that his bones were clearly visible.

Dr. Kimberly Molina, Bexar County’s Chief Medical Examiner, confirmed Perez’s testimony, stating that Benjamin died of starvation, and his death was officially ruled a homicide.

However, Cervera has denied the allegations, previously telling police that his son had behavioral issues and had injured himself. His defense attorney, Jodi Soyars, argued during the trial’s opening statements, “This kid was not starved or dehydrated, and it will be in scientific evidence.”

As the trial continues this week, the defense will present its case, but the haunting video footage and evidence of severe malnutrition have already cast a chilling shadow over the proceedings.

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