Womenz Magazine

Kenosha Man Charged for Using Camera to Look Up Skirts at Farmer’s Market

Kevin A. Pursell
Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye

A 40-year-old Wisconsin man has been charged after being accused of using a camera to look up women’s and girls’ skirts at a farmer’s market.

According to a release, the Kenosha Police Department received a call from a vendor at the Kenosha Harbor Market on June 22 about a man, identified as Kevin Pursell, 40, who appeared to be using a camera to look up women’s and girls’ clothing.

A 24-year veteran with the Kenosha Police Department located Pursell a short time later in the crowd and found him to have a small camera that, at first glance, appeared to be a button from an article of clothing. The video stored on the camera’s memory card led investigators to conduct a search warrant at Pursell’s home, producing evidence that supported his initial arrest.

A second search warrant of Pursell’s house involved K9s that specialized in electronic storage detection. Both K9s located several storage devices that were missed in the initial search warrant.

Wisconsin Circuit Court records show that Pursell is facing 39 charges. Pursell appeared on behalf of Judge William Michel in the Kenosha County Courthouse on August 1 for his initial appearance, and a cash bond was set at $100,000. In addition, the court reminded Pursell that proper attire is required for court appearances. Shorts and tank tops are not allowed in the courtroom.

Additionally, Pursell is not allowed in Woodman’s, RecPlex, Atlas Gym, Anytime Fitness, Kenosha Harbor Market, and cannot have contact with Jake D., Erin W., Eric B., Theresa B., Kyle P., RMT, CAT, MRB, ECP, AB, and cannot have contact with any minor children under the age of 18.

“This case is a great example of the community and law enforcement coming together,” the Kenosha Police Department said in a post on its social media page. “Without the initial phone call from the citizen who saw Kevin acting suspiciously, we may not have known about Kevin’s actions.”

Pursell is expected to return to court on August 9 for a preliminary hearing.

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