Womenz Magazine

To Maintain a Marriage is Complicated in the Most Simple of Ways

Commitment, Communication, Sense of Humor, Trust: ingredients you need to maintain marriage successfully.

Marriage is a complicated relationship. To maintain marriage is a complicated matter. To maintain marriage becomes even more challenging when physically apart.

The key to maintain marriage is communication. Keep the lines of communication open on a daily basis to maintain marriage. Being committed and truly believing that your spouse believes in the marriage is important. A long distance marriage will only survive if there is trust.

To maintain marriage despite distance issues although you are apart from one another, still make time for one another. To maintain marriage be open, share your expectations about being apart from one another.

To maintain marriage be honest about your concerns and fears about your separation. To maintain marriage try to daily dialogue with your spouse. Use online communication to send emails, electronic cards, pictures, music, poems, and stories, this helps maintain marriage.

Here are some activities that can help maintain marriage in a long distance scenario. Use icq or other instant messaging services to maintain marriage. Camcorders can be great for being able to see one another or your children and to maintain marriage.

Play online games together. Surprise each other once in a while with a phone call or something to maintain marriage. Send care packages to each other now and then, that helps maintain marriage.

To maintain marriage successfully don’t assume that infidelity will occur because of your physical separation. Most long distance marriages do not have to deal with this heartache because of the love and commitment the spouses feel for one another. Since you can’t read one another’s non-verbal communication, use symbols or words or happy faces to describe your thoughts better to maintain marriage.

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